Prophecies by madmen,
spill the ghastly spell,
brought to You by demons,
copyright of Hell.
Telling dates and numbers,
years of destruction.
How to prevent it?
You must take the action.
Dig the deepest shelter,
sleep until the Change
sweeps Your worm-like living,
Hell is in Your range.
Ugly demons talking
language of the ghosts;
to possessing spirits
we become the hosts.
There shall rise a temple,
church or synagogue,
watch from there the wars of
Gog and deMagogue.
Words of ancient prophets,
promising the Doom;
burning, golden letters
in eternal gloom.
Centuries to hide them,
days to bring them back,
grasp them, feel the horror
creeping up your neck.
Time is deadly weapon,
what it has in store?
Multi-headed dragon,
Babylonian whore.
Stars shall fall from heaven,
sea shall rape the earth,
working nights and daytime
undertaker's hearth.
Silence domes the air -
seventh seal is broken.
take the king from window -
his last words are spoken.
Then the great explosion,
Doomsday's masterpiece,
flames eat through the skins of
those who hoped for peace.
Why they've told the Future?
Why they fixed the Time?
Why they cursed your offspring?
What is our crime?
Prophets of all Bibles,
won't you rise from dead?!
Witness with your children
where your scripts have led. |