-Number 4, you dumb number
.You have no excuse
,You saw what happened to 1,2,3
Yet you chose to jump head first.
Number 1, poor number 1,
Didn't know what's he's heading for.
Number 2 taught number 1
Was the pep-talk before the grand tour.
Number 4, you dumb number-
You have no excuse.
You saw what happened to 1,2,3,
.Yet you chose to jump head first
For number 3, number 1
Was such a small number,
And number 2 just failed to see
The loop he had under.
Number 4, you dumb number-
You have no excuse.
You saw what happened to 1,2,3,
Yet you chose to jump headfirst.
And you, number 4, dear number 4,
You were sure you were different.
You are bigger and you can stand on one leg.
But the calculator doesn't care what you meant.
And now approaches number FIVE,
With dreams and hopes and flowers.
Now you and I, dear number 4,
.Would sit aside and count the other's howls |