Beautiful poison sucker
Getting higher, waiting for the next fall.
The spike in your vein gets deeper,
Don't let it touch your bones,
Take it out and feel the sting-
For the last time.
Heaven knows we said too much,
But it was never enough.
It feels as if my spirit is dead with you-
One can't blame the other for misunderstanding the real
meaning of life.
When you understand that living is dying
It's time for you to leave.
Tears broke down from heaven
In the shape of an arm.
Fingers touched every part of your tortured body
And taken the spirit off your weaken torn skin,
Carried you away from your pain-
You remained above.
מוקדש באהבה רבה להשראה גדולה, ליין סטיילי (ואחרים..) |