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New Stage
חיפוש בבמה

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מדורי במה


אל היוצרים המוערכים על ידי ירוחם אמנואלאל היוצרים המעריכים את ירוחם אמנואל
It is so hard for me to echo my soul completely
over words.
So, I will continue to reflect my emotions in my
Perhaps, one day, i can summerize my life into a
into a paragraph, a sentence, or even just a
Be sure to wait for that moment.

לרשימת יצירות השירה החדשות
The wind is freezing my body and heart
The air is screaming in my ears
And I keep on falling
My heart is desperately trying to go back up, to heaven
My body is falling so heavily down, to earth, to hell

I feel like going to sleep
Not because of fatigue or tiredness
Its just that in my sleep, I can rest... sometimes.
I feel dead rotten and broken, like a wreckage in the bottom
of the ocean
I feel like a rag used to clean the floor
Just like in the pa

Time is passing by
And my mind stands still, watching things grow old
Bondages tightening and falling apart
I grow and change
Yet my mind stays still
Fearing the way of time
That fades feelings
That forgets friends
That takes us somewhere far, so

Beneath your skin
Below your shell
Under your armor
Behind your scales

I'm clenching my fist
Not with fury
Not by frustration
But with the feeling of power

I miss those days of boredom
You know... those days of summer, full with freedom
Those days when you have all day to sleep
Those days when you say "I wish something would happen"...

I feel
Like a drained well, without no water to give
Like a barren oasis, drained of resources
Like a scorched land, infertile and obsolete

When all around us is failing
When support is vanishing
When I'm held by a twig, maintained by a string
I will look you in the eyes, and fake a smile.

I'm whispering with an aching throat
My heart is weak and my soul is trembling
My energy was vanished and I'm devoid of happiness
My sorrow is indelible

Was it a dream?
Or perhaps a fantasy
But how can my mind create such perfection?...
A celestial being came to me

Go away
I don't want unfulfilled promises
I don't want disappointments
My rage is building up

My friend
A human like all
Yet unique like none

They come by the thousands
Marching the march of death
Feasting from suffering and pain

The black seems bright
And the night is shining
The dull is fascinating
And the indifferent is exciting

Oh... this sorrowful loop
Infinitely growing
Endlessly torturing
Feeding the agony
Devouring me from the inside

My love to you... is so strong
that god will cower at its existence.

I am stale and null
Dull and boring
A meaningless void

Ever felt like you can't write no more
Like this never ending misery is just too much
Consecutive sorrow and endless sadness
Infinite regret and boundless suffering

More of this unknown liquid flows out
That liquid I think is love to you
Is perhaps my life force
Or they are both the same?

I can now imagine the supreme happiness
How I can live the rest of my life
How I wish, this path would not be blocked
By a thread of silk

I feel like there is a cavity in my hearts
All my life force is dripping
Slowly.... Excruciatingly...
Bounding me to the ground with self pity

ניצב אני לפני גוועת הנעורים
נובר בתהום הנושייה, מפשפש בזכרונות העבר
תמונות של חברויות שנשכחו מזמן מושכות את ליבי מטה
רגש טהור אשר נעכר עם הזמן נהיה אלא מחשבה הנידפת במהירות

לרשימת יצירות המונולוג החדשות
With birth, Hell begins; hell is a stage between the birth
and death, full of unjust suffering for the innocent and
fortune for those who create these sufferings.
When hell ends, nothing awaits, the conscious reduces to an
empty void

Look at all those puny people
How they are inferior to us

The world is ours to use and throw
We owe nothing

אל הארכיון האישי (5 יצירות מאורכבות)
לא ביצעתי פשע.
כל מה שעשיתי
היה לא לציית

דייויד דינקינס,
ראש עיריית ניו
יורק, עונה על
האשמות מס

תרומה לבמה

יוצר מס' 45169. בבמה מאז 26/11/04 2:26

האתר מכיל תכנים שיתכנו כבלתי הולמים או בלתי חינוכיים לאנשים מסויימים.
אין הנהלת האתר אחראית לכל נזק העלול להגרם כתוצאה מחשיפה לתכנים אלו.
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