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New Stage
חיפוש בבמה

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מדורי במה

טל קורן
פשוט אני... אי שם לפני הצבא...

ICQ 104802880 104802880  Thor The Tunderer

אל היצירות בבמה האהובות על טל קורןאל 30 היצירות האהובות שנבחרו לאחרונהאל היוצרים המוערכים על ידי טל קורןאל היוצרים המעריכים את טל קורן
Born in late 1986, under the sign of Virgin
Immigrated with the family to Israel, in 1994, at
the age of 7 y/o.
In the early days of 10th grade, had a painful
experiment, which eventually led to the discovery
of his hidden poetical spirit.
Since that same day, he writes; about love, life,
nature, relationship etc'.
Dull but yet somewhat versatile poetry and lyrical
taste, can be traced through his works.

Life is going on and so does his thoughts, visions
and ideas...
New objectives are ahead of him, and with them
come new projects.

לרשימת יצירות השירה החדשות
I say myself: "Soon ice will melt".
But ice doesn't melt
It's still hard as stone, and it makes me blue.
It makes me blue because I love you.

All death's are around me
The bruises are inside me
I'm here between the laughing whores
Hiding in their discreet holes
They'll never find me here alone
The sentinel and his metallic drone

The oldest of stories
Remind us the past.
When people and elves
Stepped the same path.

All a sudden tide had covered
All the branches of my pyre

Mighty sword of sacred fire
Turning up and down there
Bulls and lions wings are clashing
Stopping us from glancing inside

He'll never return
To his family cycle.

"Forget!" you say but I cannot.
How can I really do?

The rain, only the rain
Can wash the memories away.
Your name, your name,
Is just an epitaph on grave.
The cold stone is all you left,
For our solemn grieves collect.

But when I look at you,
All fears of mine just disappear.

Despite of all I love you more.
And hate you more then hell.

But now the winds of war I smell
The fate had called me to the arms
The bells of war I hear
Inside the lines of Light Defenders now I stand

Will we forget them, those we never had known?
Won't we regret if all that will go?

Your scent is in my mind
Your face is gently touching mine
And then it comes you say goodbye
And leave me with nothing to live for

White angels of death
Stand at inflows of earth
And imperceptible explosions of iron
Are audible far in the distance

There's nothing permanent in our world
In circles the four brothers go
So was it, and would be so

Sunlight rays condemned to death
When they hit the cold earth
All their density is lost
In the outer layers of earth
Moonlight rays have lost their power
Moon had never shown alone

Oh god, why do I feel alone again?
Have you forgotten me?
Left me alone, to fight the demons from within?

And all I care is, how...
How could I go on?
You were my light
Without you I'm going blind

You are my angel, my savior from the highs
Each evening I recall your gentle touches
And every moment you are not around
I miss you darling, you don't know how hard

Only the pile of shoes,
The number of huts.

Can tell me the story
Of my ancestors past.

ביום בו אסיים את מלאכתי
אבכה על כל אלה שכבר אינם איתי.

חיות רעות מסתובבות בחוץ.
חוטפות כל איש אשר כבר לא נחוץ.

אל הארכיון האישי (3 יצירות מאורכבות)
לא הבנתי...


תרומה לבמה

יוצר מס' 21114. בבמה מאז 21/3/03 12:35

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