He's a guy with no real footing in this world,
too much day dreaming fucked up his head...
One thing is certain though, he can't express
himself, verbaly that is...
He's thriving for things - unreachable, and hopes
to find a cure for himself...
Check his poems, and try to see the inner self...
Malek decided he'll go outside to try and get a hold over
his jolly mood. He reached for the temple's door's handle,
and pulled it, hoping the door will follow. His hopes were
to no avail.
A raven flew over this ashen barren land.
The promise of my arms around you
Sweet temptation
Dear pain of mine
A tear drop on the fire fell
A hissing sound - the tear was gone
Yet the cheek never dried
Child, turn your face
The sight of sadness overwhelms
Turn your head to the skies
Maybe there's a spark of sun outside
Feelings erupted, emotions steered
Exasperation surfaced, I stand rapt
Zealously I watch, praying to be a need
Maybe I cannot help. maybe I am not adapted
Every action, every deed
To one conclusion it can lead
There is faith and kingdom come
And even hell for some
On the day next you shall weep for me
You shall see the undoable deed you've done
The spike in my heart you cannot retrieve
Oh succubus of mine
You merged my soul to thine
Whither you go with it?
Where do broken hearts go?
I don't want to die
I'm too fucking young
But the decision is not mine
The bell of death had rung
Insanity is talking
Whispering a few words
Sanity is calling
The clashing of two swords
Legacy of rhyming
Legacy of muse
Legacy of constant self abuse
An arrow files to hit the bird
The bird is hit and then it falls
Since when did you begin to care if I live or not?
Since when do you care what I say?
Since when did I begin to wane and rot?
Since when did I believe you will stay?
Some blood, a smear
When I become sincere
I'm bleeding poison. See?
All comes out of me
Reincarnation foretold
Putrefaction avoided
Eyes, wings of fiery gold
Black heart molded
in my mind's eye i can see scenes
Scenes of one unforgetable night
Source of emotions, sunset to my eyes alone
When the city felt cold like frozen kisses
Knives for a massacre that was I - to kill, to feel
Sun divine
Moon of mine
Where my soul doth go?
This silent smile, this hollow gaze
This awful humanity, which we praise
Ride the waves of time / for the end comes to all
You are dust, / and to dust you shall return
A lone ashen figure shrouded in darkness
A multihued butterfly in a colorless world
A drop of blood upon holy water
An ageless pillar in the middle of a motorized reality
Basking in sun light's song
My eyes point skywards
Where heaven lies
אני הנותן לזולת
הלא יכול הנצחי
אלוהי הקינה על המוות
אני לא האדם אשר יקרא
האדם אשר יבכה
לא יגיד ולא יראה
את הרגעים האלה
אך מיהו אדם ללא ביקורת...
אדם ללא גבולות, אדם חופשי
עם כל אהבתי אליך, אינך כזאת
אל הארכיון האישי (1 יצירות מאורכבות)
אתם מקבלים את
מזרח אירופה,
אני את הבננות
מתוך: "קופיקו
ביאלטה" |