Off The Jerks
Life Sucks
מציאות רגעית בלתי הגיונית מתערבבת בתחושת דביקות של בוקר אצל
גיבורנו שלמען האמת רחוק מלהיות גיבור.
Hard times bring your memory back
And although your face is such a blur
Your delicate fractured laugh makes my body shiver again
Or was it only me?
Was it just me?
It must be clear now more than ever...
We started slow...
foraging for food, Sex, Fights and most of all
At guard from other animals, large, big teethed predators to
whom we were not good enough for breakfast crumbs...
I just Hate the fact that I will never be good enough for
I frankly Hate myself.
It is 4000 years ago,
most people at my age have at least one
male child to be proud of.
אין דבר יותר
גרוע מפלאפל
שתקוע בו מקלון
באמת. |