oh....how silly we used to be, back then...
.As soon as you die,you get into this serial box.
read it,cause the fucking key to your happiness.....shit
fuckers,i wish you'll die.
Mark went to the shop and bought a spaceship, he said "Get
ready, we're leaving
soon" and got out.
the only similiar is that the"things falling from up
It was a sunday nigh.
D felt his hands freezing,it was really cold outside.
He knew he can't go home so he was just walking around on
the streets
of Melbourne
yeah,but than she'll be too stoned to run away when her
parents will want to beat her up,and besides,they'll have
proof that shes using drugs and they'll call the cops to
lock her up in some cold cell,all alone......
היא הלכה.....ואז הוא בא מאחוריה...היא שמה לב.... היא התחילה
ללכת יותר מהר....גם הוא......
היא רצה....
הוא תפס אותה......
"מזל טוב חמודה"!
שבועות של התרגשות ציפייה ופחד...
סוף סוף היום הגיע...
How do you know that you're "the happiest person in the
i mean,how do you measure it?
I was listening to Paranoid Android when i sold my soul to
the devil.
I didn't know exactly how it's done,but i tried to do what i
Besides,i like the devil,he looks really,human and
many many people i know
לאף אחד אין חיים מושלמים,נכון?
כולם טובעים בבועות הפרנואידיות הקטנות שלהם......שקועים עד
האף,אין מוצא..
ןאז הם מתים......בודדים
אל הארכיון האישי (1 יצירות מאורכבות)
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