אנוכיות, שימו לב!
Just a rope to hang
and all this guilt would come to it's end
Being able to live to the fullest
Seeing life with new eyes
A second chance on this earth
Paradoxical sleep
Head filled with images
Of not waking up
Nothing certain to drift on maybe
Because nothing remained the same
Maybe one day we will return
And try again
New Horizons
A Beautiful landscape
Just for you and me to burn
Power hungry minions of death
Who are you to decide our faith
To tell us how will rise with the sun
And join the dead by dawn
They are one of the same nation
Yet divided by persecution and aggression
The days go by
In what seems to be an endless melody
And this dread inside of me
So terrifying but keeps me going
No I was not misled
I know it is true
I sow it with my own eyes
I heard it with my ears
I sow them drop the bomb
He Shout's
Dark Knight dressed in tin foil
And again i just wonder
If someone will ever sit with me
Under this frozen tree
Everything is miles away
everyday a silent prey
to make you come again, to me
Somewhere in my past there lays that soft shell
Eyes black as the night and a voice from hell
Somewhere in my past there lays that soft shell
Eyes like the black of night
her voice creeping out from the depths of hell
her prison cell
trapped inside for ages
אל הארכיון האישי (1 יצירות מאורכבות)
הגרמנים האלה,
אובליקס במינכן,
1940. |