211426395 Jiggleypuff
Felt an urge to come back. Not for good. Probably
not for worse..
"The only true love I ever knew,
was behind those downcast eyes.
The only comfort I ever felt,
was during those long hours of loneliness,
when I felt for you.
I do believe,
Only Innocence can save the world..."
Nightwish - Ocean Soul
She needed someone to be her guide, through the dark, old
A valiant and fearless warrior, to help her cross wide seas
Great kings have arisen in the hollow depths of time,
They shall fall as well in ashen, ruined fields of crimson.
So majestic shall be their fall, to be held in the hymns of
nomadic Elven bards...
Ethereal skies shall be veiled with thy rain,
Crimson and silver enshrouded with darkness.
Enduring grey mountains and lost elven woods,
Shall not bare the defiling of thy ancestral lands...
As I inspire further into my autumnal dream,
I finally reach this enchanted scent of thin.
"Before whom grey mountains shall falleth, my love?
It was meant to be thee, my princess of autumn..."
Her golden hair scattered in the wind, like wild fire
spreading over dry wheat,
As she followed him riding with her ember eyes, galloping
with his valiant steed...
Thou shalt fade between my arms...
So shalt thy magnificent grace,
For which I once longed,
Beyond the boundaries of mortal time...
My wretched essence is withering, swept in a
long-forgotten stream
Perhaps it is a product of thine imagination,
I have felt it not, as a tender rain.
I enshroud myself in new raiment today,
Engulfed in thy apparition of lasciviousness,
For I have found thee, hiding
A kiss from her divine lips was the strongest spell,
Which neither a giant, nor stout dwarf could repel.
"Penetrating dawns, at which sparkling dew shall emblaze
ruined fields with shrouds of glimmering light..."
"She should awake her shattered mirth", they say, yet futile
prayers were doomed to be forsaken...
אם לא היו אומרים לי, הייתי עוד הולך לישון איכשהו.
אין פיתרון
מורכב שלא ניתן
למצוא לו בפשטות
בעיה הולמת.
המשרד לבעיות. |