עוד יום... הדקות חולפות ביעף. הזמן עובר לאט, בשבילו שום דבר
לא השתנה מאז ושום דבר כבר לא ישתנה אף פעם...
I'm lost inside my dying mind
I'll tie your soul
I'll kill your mind
I'll drag you here with me
You can't escape
I told you no
But you never ask
You always do your way
You will regret
I know that now
And this is what I say
Force to grow up, out of filing
Force to put on happy face
In that diesis there is no healing
That what has done can't erase
You can't save me...
I'm already dead...
And maybe...
I was never alive...
After years they found his body
But his soul was in my world,
Out of time, you cannot fallow
In the torture and the cold
I don't know how long it had been
Since the last time I saw you
Who hurt you so much that you couldn't resist
What happened to you? My sweet angel of sorrow
החיים הם מסע
ארוך בחיפוש אחר
משמעות, וזה
בדיוק משמעותם.
בלוק סאן מחפש
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