תלמיד תקש' ואומנות בן 18
מתגייס בקרוב
חבר להקת Alba Solaris וחובב גדול של מוזיקה בכלל
ניל יאנג המלך
I got up and asked her:
Did you think of what we had talked about?
"I thought I made it clear" she said embarrassed somewhat
Then I replied
"I just wanted you to know that I love you"
It all started as haters anonymous
Hate always existed we just brought it to the surface
The life in here insured a very good soil for hatred!
Incomplete, I roam
In search of a home
Here I don't belong
This abominating dome
Masquerade of modernization
Run away from aggravation
When you go to socialize
Don't forget to put on your disguise
There is this place in the Middle East
They call it "the rising gun"
And it bears the marks of many wars
And i know i will fight in one
I guess I have everything but what's everything compared to
people who have more, ha?
Well, I can't say that I had no love...I loved and maybe I
was loved by some
But not in the way I wanted to be loved
תמיד הרגשתי דחוי ולא רצוי בחברה.
הייתי מתבכיין על זה לכולם
רוצה להגדיל את
בתקופה שבה עבד
במסעדה ששמה לא
ידוע |