96308811 Jerry [Sir Jeremy :) ]
Something about me:
I'm still looking for it. Even looking for knowing
what exactly to look for. But at least I am aware
of that I have to look for it.
Something about my beliefs:
The millions of variations of human beings are the
great richness of genesis. Thus everyone of us is
an individual, unrepeatable miracle.
A Hummingbird is sick; she has broken her wings,
The flowers cry a worry from which she used to drink
In the ocean of sorrow I'm a lost refugee,
Just a drop of water in an endless sea
Sometimes there is so much beauty that my heart cannot take
It feels like it's about to explode.
כמו גשם לאדמה צמאה,
כמו קרניה של שמש בשיא עוצמתה,
חיוכך שמשתקף בעיניי
ומצייר אושר שביר על שפתיי
שלח לחמך על
פניי המים,
כי בבוא הימים
הוא יתפורר
לחתיכות קטנות
שמזכירות זיקנה
וטחב. |