
there's a silance within me
as i'm punching the numbers
and i wait, and it's ringing
then somebody pickes up
buildings scrape the sky
the is no room for mess
one person and one more person
in this urban loneliness
you gave me a bite
now i want the whole apple
how dare you give up
i want more than a sample
i'm looking for war
fight and tear you apart
let my mind run free
when i fall i fall hard
don't calm me down
they point their little fingers
at the thorn of desparation in my side
nodding their heads
oh, how deep it is wedged there
don't bother making no grand gestures
i don't require your displays
tear your chest open, reveal your heart-beat
let me listen to what it says
turn right and left but i can't find rest
my heart beats too fast in my chest
my mind is weary but my body awake
all that's left is to wonder how long it will take
when you look across a crowded room
no one looks back
feed me words
the simple words
words you spread around each day
רוצה להביא לעולם ילד כחול
רק כי אף אחד אחר לא יכול
אל הארכיון האישי (10 יצירות מאורכבות)
בארועי אוקטובר
נהרגו מספר
ונחקרת האפשרות
שהיה שימוש של
כוח מופרז כנגד
מתוך ספר
הביכורים של
הנזיר מטליסמן
"מה אם הכל היה
אחרת" |