Run through forests on a hot Summer day
Trying to break down walls of numbing pain
Give me the freedom to destroy
Give me radioactive toy
Taste the water from a stream of running death
Eat the apple and cough a dying breath
Feel the sun burning through your black skin
Pour me into a hole, inform my next of kin
Run through graveyards on a dusty Winter day
Spit the dirt out and try to say...
- porcupine tree
Yaarrrrrrrrrrrrr! Once upon a time ago, there was a wee
little girl who lived on Ye olde boat with her mater. This
little girl's name was Deep Blue Riding Hood. One day her
mater said "Arrr. Take a boat to yer grandmater's ship. Me
old mumsy is sick in be
I think it was the hair. No, maybe the eyes. Something about
him... so familiar. The man who walked down the dark street
towards me was near completely shrouded in mist. I tugged at
the bonds my mind had placed on me, but it was no use.
Beads of perspiration began to form on his pounding
How had all this happened?
I cut myself today
To see if I would bleed
I didn't
And they will weep
Until the tears can fall no more
Dream to life
And endless sleep
No escape from eyes so deep
Eyes vacant
She walks
Skin torched by the sun
The words which flow forth from your mouth
Glisten with refined beauty and grace
The sunshine dapples your porc'lain face
As the birds sing sweetly of you, of you
יש מעט דברים יותר מפחידים מלאבד את עצמך.
להגיע למצב של אי-ידע, של להסתכל על עצמך במראה ולא לזהות את
הפנים הריקות הבוהות אליך דרכה.
Funny, though.
You'd think it would matter more.
But... no.
Look closer
Stars reflect off the eyes
Of the pyramid
אל הארכיון האישי (1 יצירות מאורכבות)
"תמונה שווה אלף
אז כמה שווה
המונה ליזה,
עיתון הארץ אחד? |