the dawn reveals a stirless wheatfield at ease
a dark yellow sea is hurled by a light breeze
sunrise is fading the night into morning
the first beams arrive, and the darkness is turning
Equality between a poor person to a headless old doll
Equal opportunities to those who don't need them
You must be an exellent man,
You must shine in the morning,
If your teeth are not white,
Then you're out, youre not joining
Slaves of illusion build houses and whatever we demand
They are the W of generations for us by hand
The food venerators of all times place and confusion
They are the problem which is the lazy solution
And if you want your cars in rows,
Grab the cash with both of your claws
And dig yourself a massive hole
In which youll play the only role
A dry man, poses as joyfull
Returns home, his mirror looks awful,
Be happy,
You are living in a wellfare state
אני עובד בכור
ודימונה ויש לי
מידע סודי.
אל תגלו לאף
אחד! |