He awoke in the morning and felt his desk near his bed for
his badges, like every other morning...
פסעתי כמו בכל ערב בסמטה האהובה עלי ברחוב קטן וצדדי בתל אביב.
אם היה זה ערב מיוחד, הייתי הולך לים.
Because there's always something in the way...
Don't try to correct, carry on
I turn down the light.
The end of the night
Came after hours of sickness...
I try to remember what you said
I don't wanna be left alone
The sun is setting in your green eyes...
How can't you see this idiocy?
How can't you see the way I see?
When this world will finally end
You people will at last understand.
I don't want to stand here and wait...
And the truth was never clear,
And the truth was always nearer
Than now.
Nobody knows why he can't
Fight for all the ones he loves...
Nobody cares, nobody understand
Wonder why he missed the tied...
The reflection of the night...
As the storm echo's through our ears
And the meaning of this world,
This poor excuse for a world...
Is just the thing that put us behind this door.
What is this new concept? ''Mainstream''
כן, חיים הם חסרי משמעות. כן, אנחנו כאן בשביל לחיות. חיים
ממשיכים, המוות בלתי נמנע. אבל זה צריך לדכא אותנו?
אל הארכיון האישי (1 יצירות מאורכבות)
אלויס מת
מוצרט מת
איינשטיין מת
ואני גם לא
מרגיש כל כך
טוב.. |