 Stand straight, Llook forward, listen, live, watch, scream! |
210543235 LighT_In_The_ShaDowS
They love watch me fall
They think they know it all
They can spit all my insult
But nothing They say is gonna change me
They can sit there and judge me
Say what They want to
i'll never let them in
Couse this is who I am
This what I like
and nothing thay say
Is going to harm what I feel
or what I am.
אם אני אכתוב
מיליון סלוגנים,
בסוף אחד
יתפרסם, נכון?
או, אלת מזל
יקרה, הגשימי נא
את משאלתי
הסטטיסטית. |