
178200064 Lithium
So many times
You wanted changes
You knew that it could be otherwise
Coming since the sun has risen
Going into chilled, salt waters
Paddling up to the horizon
Nothing in the world now matters
Could it be logical
That I'm alone
When million people are beside me?
And life is empty, in my eyes
Although it's not supposed to be
Being cold is complicated
Acting normal but frustrated
Leading you away from truth
And expecting you to move
You criticize my every step
And all I do is always wrong
How come my actions are so useless?
Making me suffer for so long
Cuz when I laugh
And when I cry
You are the one to help me out
So I'll be there without a doubt
To dry a tear from your eye
As many have already understood
That happiness is a great force!
He speaks out loud
To scare the crowd
And he is proud
If your state or situation
Leads to other, deep locations
I can feel relaxed and opened
Not stressed up or depressed
'Cause I know, you understand
Don't be shy, reach out your hands
I'm so glad that you are here
You're so close, I know you're near
Don't you understand?
I can't be with you
But I can't be without you too
With you I'm lost, you see?
I don't regret 'bout anything
And if I could go back in time
I wouldn't change a single thing
I would have done it thousand times... once more
Somehow it'll always be your fault
Don't bother to explain, just don't
I can't believe, you're leaving
I didn't think that I would cry
I miss you very much
I feel that part of me has died
Still people are the same
Living like insects every day
Living under fake illusions
Living with their wrong conclusions
Don't be afraid of changing
It's just a part of a life engine
Feel free to do what's in your mind
Just see the truth and don't be blind
I'm very tired of the war
Wish it will never be, no more
And my friend I'm saying this
Don't stand for war, stand for peace!
Enjoy the peace
And the serenity
The silence
Your mind is free
Sometimes your life is very odd
So you try to find it's meaning
You can't arrange your running thoughts
And use your brain without feeling
Cuz this is a zombie generation who
Makes the same mistakes
Again and again and again
I wonder if someone
הרצון ליציבות חומק בין שתי ידיי
ורק העצב, זה כל מה שנותר
העמדת פנים, אולי כבר די?
הכל פשוט הפך אותו דבר
והשגרה הורגת את כולם,
ממסיבה למסיבה, מסם לסם
מחברים הישנים לחדשים,
כולם בורחים כדי להיות חופשיים,
מפאב אחד לפאב שני
הכל כבר לא מציאותי
נכון שאתה שומע
אבל מתי תקשיב?
מחפש רעיון
רעיון ממש אין
לי, אבל בדף
האחורי תמצא
אחלה של
פרופ' ירמיהו בן
יהודה, משוחח עם
מעריצים! |