200241505 Last Breath
Why was the word stuck in the thoughts of a person sitting
in a room...,
The final words are now unspoken,
Simply cause they are unknown
שומע את קולך,
בתוכי בנשמתי,
קוראת את שם בשמי
Sitting in a room full of screams and curses,
Sickened by the way that my life has turned,
Writers block got me stuck in a painful moment,
Reminiscing on a life that I used to love,
Purple fields of candy,
A deer flies over them,
Pixies dance upon the clouds,
A cow drives in my car
Mountain cliffs a mile high,
Free falling down into the ground,
To stop, to crush my acing heart.
Every little thing you do drives me to insanity,
Every little thing you say breaks my heart all over,
Every time you walk away,
A part of me leaves with you
Thru the pain and the agony,
I wrote down the words,
I couldn't imagine,
How far it would go,
Stop pretending, stop to hide,
Stop to be so unhappy,
Start believing in yourself
And take off your mask,
אם העולם הוא
במה, מה יש
מאחורי הקלעים? |