294793075 ~Spirit in Flames~
אה כן
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אממ יש לי הרבה חלומות רעים בדרך כלל מזכרונות
ומזמנים שאני בקושי זוכרת משום מה... אפשר לראות זאת
בכמה מהשירים למטה..=P
..There are two paths you can go by but in the
long run, there's still time to change the road
you're on..
..To be a rock and not to roll!..
..Hate me so good that you can let me out, let me
out let me out it's hell when you're around let me
out, let me out let me out..
..take my gun away when it's loaded...if you don't
shoot it how am I supposed to hold it..?
..And I can't see nothing...nothing...round
..Believe in me, cause I don't believe in
..Hold my hand little one, when you need someone
there's no one..
..You look up at the sky to find nothing..
Memory is a curse.
I must admit
I'm the one
Who pushed you away
there are feelings
when I lay awake at night
Oh life isn't so bad once you see the sun
Only I'm in the rain again
I'll die for you to stay alive
I'll let you see the world through my eyes
My lovely friend
Yes, we are just friends.
Could be more,
maybe sometimes I do hope to not get up in the morning
.Are there answers to be unfolded?
Are there secrets behind shut doors?
She sometimes wished she could fall asleep
Staring into an empty sky.
There's a sunset in your eyes
A stone set firm to ground
Oh and the trees just look at you
Smiling as the breeze says goodbye
To go kill another girl.
Hold my hand little one
When you need someone there's no one.
Numbness creeping through the night
Where she's at
Lost in night mares
The place where she meets them loved ones
Even that's too much.
She couldn't block the wind blowing hard on me
All was blinded she couldn't see,
What was left of what was burn
There's an unfolded darkness
Deep inside of me
A hole unknown
Full of the secrets of the universe
Just look around
Pick up a gun
Start shooting
Till the road ahead is clear
אמרתי לך כבר אנחנו ביחד ואת זה אתה יודע
אז למה התקשרת אליי באותו לילה.
"ותמיד אוהב אותך...לא משנה מה"
ביקור בקבר: "תמיד אהבתי אותך... לא משנה מה"
לילה לח
שוכבים על הדשא הקר.
לא ידוע שהזמן זז,
ושעוד מעט נגמר.
מוות... בואי
קחי את שנינו
אם יש לכם משהו,
קחו ממנו הרבה,
כי הוא הולך
להיגמר |