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מדורי במה

גמלאים יוצרים
גמלאי יוצר ברגע של משובת נעורים אימפולסיבית.

אל היצירות בבמה האהובות על גמלאים יוצריםאל 30 היצירות האהובות שנבחרו לאחרונהאל היוצרים המוערכים על ידי גמלאים יוצריםאל היוצרים המעריכים את גמלאים יוצרים
Formed in order to aid and cherish Jerusalem's
creative senior citizens society, Gimlayim Yotsrim
are - arguably, the most influential metal bands
to emerge in the proximity of Ziv and Ort high

Spreading their notorious lifestyle and strange
habits among the tender teenagers of Jerusalem,
the Band's Musical Influences varies from the
German Based "Damburger", through the infamous
"Streitberg" to the band's favorite, the Belgian
"Martin's Pielsner".

With its pro-elders lyrics, the band sees itself
as the voice of many senior citizens who are left
alone by the anti-elders government, ruled by the
evil Prime Minister Sharon, and his staff of evil,
heartless assistants.

The band's leading vocalist explains: "What the
hell are you talking about!? This has nothing do
to with Sharon, his staff of evil, heartless
assistants or any other political matters. Really.
We just got REALLY bored one day, and needed to
find other ways to spend perfectly good money on

The bands way to create music had been described
as "Weird" by anyone who watched it. Fatzy, the
bands Bass player, sheds some light on the
somewhat bizarre technique used by Gimlayim
Yotsrim: "what we were originally trying to do was
to merge between the traditional Neo-Nostalgic
golf - in its mainstream interpretation, and
Abady-Classica beer style.

Sadly, all we got was this junk. But I like it. I
think this junk - more than anything else, sets
the Gimlayim aside from any other band. They can
play - we can't. This is the core of the Gimlayim,
in my opinion.

And so, if hadn't been caught by secret agents in
the supermarket, or by the raging mob that always
seems to hunt them down, the Gimlayim Yotsrim band
members continue to roam the streets of the holy
city of Jerusalem.
And there is no stopping them.

לרשימת יצירות הצילום החדשות
אל היצירה

אל היצירה
הכי קרוב שתגיעו לאלילי ההמונים, שמש העמים וירח העמות. נא

לרשימת יצירות המוסיקה החדשות


הם חוזרים לעיר ממש כמו סערה
גמלאים יוצרים יושיעו מצרה.




כן, אני אוהב

אחד מהוד השרון
מחווה דעתו על
אפרוח ורוד

תרומה לבמה

יוצר מס' 30728. בבמה מאז 23/1/04 20:31

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