Com(m)a, Separate:
Formed in April, 2006 by Cyberdust Refugees Yuval
Fenichel & Gal Gruper with their own pieces of
Been collecting other Musicians and formed a band
in no time.
Current Static Lineup:
Yuval Fenichel- Lead Guitar, Vocals
Itay- Bass
Amir- Keys
Gal Gruper- Lead Vocals
It's all I got left
To remember who you are
It's all I got left
And now you're so far
In frame you'll always laugh
I've burned your photograph
Sales are made here -Enter darkness
My own soul's a market place
We Hear The Screems!
We Hear The Cries!
Suppressed Emotions Burn Inside.
With What We Lost We Pay The Cost.
A cut above the wrist, the blade is sharp & clean.
Life is running low, Blood is running thin.
הופל'ה- אני
לסבית זקנה!
זוזו לסטרי
במובאה ממאמרו:
"להיות דמות
היתרונות" |