18 days she pleaded God to take her away
18 days she waited for her savior from the pain.
18 nights she felt the fear
everytime that he came near.
Starting tonight the world will flood
Staining everything dark red with my blood
And you will stain the world blue with your tears
Going through everyone's heart's like spears
join the fraternity
pledge your honor
sweat blood to prove you're pure
count the seconds till the end of the hour
The coldness matches
the paleness of my skin
the pain is the only
reason I know I live
I'm a part of this
I'm a part of that
vulgarly stitched together
a piece of him
a piece of you
made of many
it isn't pretty
and I don't even have my own name
Until the blood
Mixes with tears
And you begin to cry
I die in red on my white carpeted floor,
alone in my room with a closed door.
I pray to god to take me away,
from this cruel world today.
the devil backed away
his shadow retreating
the scissors sliding from his fingers . . .
his task complete
שה שה געע שה
במה חדשה
רק כמה מאות
כותבים יוצאי
לא תימנייה
שתשתלט על