look at it, he can't see you, hope it will continue this
and then you make a wrong
the fire fist, and dragon fairy, the crystal, and insomniac,
the cat and the ducky, blind people, painkillers, the dude,
the wave, 2 times
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight, nine, ten.
looking into the distance, waiting, nothing comes
it's all lies!!!!
lies, they dig in my brain, maybe my salvation will be in
the truth, maybe I should stop the lies, take off my mask,
but I can't!
grown up , korn fed, is it time? are you behind in the
evolution chain? capitalistic, mcdonald eating Mother F?
I'm the lecturer so I can , it's not nice but that's the
way it is, they call it free speech, right off of the
american book
how can I explain my situation? huh? been cheated, been
trapped, by the beautiful madame, ugly bitch, too bad..
כאשר שכחתי את המילים המצאתי חדשות
כואב, וכואב, וצועק וכואב, ואוחז בבשר ודואב, וכואב. והצעקה,
קולי באוזני כבר כמה שניות לא נשמע, רק רטט עובר בגופי, רטט
הצליל והנשיפה..
חזרה לעמוד היוצר הראשי
"של מי השורה
הזאת בכלל?!"
נרקומן מבולבל |