let it all go to waste
i see it's not within you
darkness is acquired taste
and strong enough to win you
feel the heart beat
in the sea of raging visions
see the light as it falls
to little prisms
imagine drowning but still breathing air
imagine falling but the depth's not there
think you're sinking into solid ground
think you're flying with your feet tied down
I've walked the planes
crossed the vales
all in my search for you
floating in a sphere
vacant and alone
surrounded by the seekers
now here, now gone
the earth is calling
and it binds you
to it's song
of age and youth
"now, look" i told myself
and put down my book
"you can't just childishly fall
like that for Luke".
you and i
we could have combusted
we could have been seen for miles
we would have lit the sky
יצירותי פורשות כנפיים באין רואה
מדי פעם סוחטות אנקת פליאה מפיו של ילד פעור עיניים
i shoot for the stars
i can't take the time and effort to get there
חזרה לעמוד היוצר הראשי
"הקאתי היום
פעמיים. בסוכנות
נורא מודאגים
ממני. פעם זה
היה מגיע
פעמים ביום.
וחסה, הרבה
דוגמנית בראיון
חושפני למגזין
במה, על פליטות
פה ושאר ירקות. |