There is right
And there is wrong
I once walked through the tunnel of hell,
Thinking I would manage to make it for heaven.
All she did was loving him,
Letting herself get too close.
Too close to get hurt.
He is no longer a worthless boy,
He is an angel himself.
Yesterday I felt so good.
I just want to disappear.
I wish I wasn't myself.
I wish I was no one.
All our lives we are in chase.
A chase to feel good.
Is loving so much is a sin?
So why we make it one?
Humanity have progressed a lot
During the last centuries.
But wait... How come I feel like I have nothing?
I don't understand... I have everything.
Actually, I don't miss them, I miss my friends.
It's like a sign from god, telling you when something is
fucked up...
And it causes me a headache.
And it also makes studying impossible.
Is there a death-sentence for all the lifeless?
So why peo
Where only fairies used to live in,
And find the devil instead.
I start losing my sanity.
Making her the only one in my life,
Is just another road to a car crash
Thinking we can sometime know.
A beautiful song is played on the background
And it feels so utopian and unreal.
Maybe it is...
Do you think so?
I dare you...
כל כך רוצה לכתוב עכשיו,
על רגשות שנאספו במהלך שנים,
על האוכל המזויין הזה, על האהבה שדפקה אותי, על הביקורתיות
העצמית הנוקבת, הבכיינות.
המוח הארור הזה שתמיד בהכרה, לא רוצה לתת מנוח לאדם חולה, נכה,
רגע אחד כזה, אחד ויחיד, אחריו אתה לומד. אבל ממש באותו רגע,
אין דבר שיכול באמת לנחם אותך ואתה הולך לישון הכי עצוב בעולם,
עם דמעות...
חזרה לעמוד היוצר הראשי
ההורים של שלי
כועסים כי היא
מצצה לי בזמן
ארוחת ליל שבת
החבר של שלי. |